12 omrezje ods

DSO network

Istrabenz plini operates the natural gas distribution system (ODS) in Municipality of Novo Mesto, Municipality of Litija, and in settlement Podkraj in Municipality of Hrastnik.

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Network coverage

Geographical areas and expansion of the natural gas network

The distribution systems managed by Istrabenz plini comprise approximately 159 km of gas pipelines and connections of various diameters and pressures.

Geographical area

Distribution system length on December 31, 2023

Municipality of Novo mesto

141 km

Municipality of Litija

17 km

Podkraj in the Municipality of Hrastnik

1 km

The mean altitude of the distribution systems is 205.67 m.

Istrabenz plini is building the natural gas network in accordance with its legal obligations under the concession agreements and in accordance with the adopted investment plan approved by the Energy Agency and in response to the demand from citizens. 

The pipeline is planned to be continued during the construction or renovation of other utility lines or roads. The extent of the pipeline will be determined by citizens’ interest in connecting, as the pipeline will only be built if enough buildings are connected.

How is natural gas distributed?

Distribution of natural gas is an optional public utility service and means the transport of natural gas through local or regional pipeline networks for the purpose of supplying final customers, other than supply. Istrabenz plini d.o.o. carries out these tasks in specific geographical areas on the basis of concession agreements with local communities. The activity is regulated by the Energy Agency (the market regulator).

We are an active member of GIZ DZP, the economic interest group for natural gas distribution. The association brings together all distribution system operators in Slovenia. The main purpose of the association is to support operators in their core activities and to promote the use of natural gas as an energy source.

giz dzp
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  • the implementation of distribution,
  • the safe, reliable and efficient operation and maintenance of the distribution system under economically acceptable conditions, with due regard for environmental protection and energy efficiency,
  • developing the distribution system, taking into account the needs of system users and the requirements for the safe and reliable operation of the system,
  • ensuring the long-term capacity of the distribution system to meet reasonable demands for connection and access to the system,
  • ensuring security of natural gas supply through adequate system capacity and reliability,
  • providing users of the system with the information they need
  • Issuance of system operating instructions for the natural gas distribution system (Article 90 of the Gas Supply Act ZOP)
  • Decision on granting or refusing consent for connection to the natural gas distribution system (Article 92 of the Gas Supply Act ZOP)

Connection to the network

5 steps to using natural gas

At Istrabenz plini you will find everything in one place. In the geographical areas where we operate as a natural gas distribution system operator, we will connect your building to the gas network by building a connection, carry out indoor gas piping with the supply and installation of a gas throttle, and enable you to use natural gas without unnecessary journeys and in the shortest possible time.

First, please check whether it is possible to connect your property to the gas network by sending us an email with the address of your property and we will get back to you.

Before connecting to the distribution system, you must obtain a Distribution System Connection Consent. If you will be building a gas connection as part of the construction of a building under a building permit, you will need a prior opinion on the project documentation from the Distribution System Operator (you can also request project conditions for the project documentation). 

You apply for these documents by completing the Application for Consent for Connection to Natural Gas. More detailed information on the procedures can be found in the DSO system Operating Instructions.

The gas connection will be built on the basis of a Connection Contract, which will be sent to you for signature after a visit and a quotation for the work to be carried out. Please send us an inquiry for a tour and a quotation.

Entrust the work to qualified registered contractors. Istrabenz plini has the expertise and many years of experience to handle all of your indoor gas installation needs. We would be delighted if you entrust us with your project. We’re committed to meet your expectations, so send us an inquiry and we’ll be happy to provide you with a quotation.


After the construction of the indoor gas piping, we will prepare a Distribution Network Access Contract (as Distribution System Operator) and a Natural Gas Supply Contract (if you choose Istrabenz plini as your supplier) based on the Application for Indoor Gas Fumigation. Once the contracts have been signed and you have provided proof that the indoor gas installation is technically sound, it will be fumigated and you will be able to use natural gas.

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Report your gas meter reading

You can report your gas meter reading in the last five days of the current month:

  • by entering it via the MojPlin
    The MojPlin user portal gives you an easy way to monitor your consumption, issued invoices and report the status of your measuring device.
  • or call a toll-free number 080 1228

Help and Support

Find out more about connecting to the DSO network. You can find all these documents in one place:

Have you found everything you needed?

If you need any information and assistance on how to use our products, feel free to contact us

CONTACT US 080 1228